Want to transfer your file?
Transferring your file couldn't be easier! In 5 minutes you can either register here or give us a quick call at 514.737.1153 and we'll happy to help get you get set up! No fus, no problem. In just 5 minutes you'll be set. If you have questions, comments or concerns about your file or the process, please feel free to contact us via telephone or email and we will get back to you right away.
Absolutely! When you provide us with your information we're only a few clicks/ phone-call away to get all your information to us.
There is no charge to transfer your file
The name of your current Pharmacy/previous Pharmacy
Phone number
Pharmacie S. Melki respects the privacy of visitors to our website. Any and all information you supply to Pharmacie S. Melki will be used for Pharmacie S. Melki business only. We do not sell information to other companies or media services. We do not tolerate "spam". Our addresses are collected from web and phone purchases, requests for information, and requests for our newsletter email reminders only.
The entirety of our privacy policy can be found HERE. Our terms of service can be found HERE.